如果你有兴趣为你的旅行社组装一个引人注目的登陆页面, 我们高度响应的模板是要走的路! Your website will be available all over the world and on all...
Sales: 29
Support: 4.1/5


For each company, it is essential to switch to an online format. It is extremely convenient for users to view your services, information, 并在自己舒适的家中提供服务.

So the question arises — how to make an online platform? 有不同的选择. For example, 雇佣一个网络开发人员来设计你的项目或转向组织, 该地块将在哪里开发, 提供技术支持和建议. 但这些服务并不便宜,所以如果你需要一个预算选择——还有另一个出路.

这是利用旅游登录页面模板. Their main distinguishing characteristic is the low price, 在那里,你仍然可以得到一个高质量的产品和一个好看的现代网站.

Features You Get with Tours and Travels Landing Page Templates

All the provided products have a variety of positive benefits:

  1. Dropdown Menu. It organizes the navigational structure of the application. That is, it is easier for clients to navigate the portal.
  2. Admin Panel. 它允许控制项目设置, 添加新页面和删除旧页面, 更改资源的外观, and editing content.
  3. HTML 5. 它提出了嵌入在门户中的视听材料的标准化描述,因为媒体内容是一个完整的代码组件.
  4. Parallax. Elements in the background move slower than those in front, 产生深度效果, 用户在网站上是很愉快的.

These tremendous components help your merchandise to be sold like hotcakes.


In fact, these designs are universal products suitable for developers, web designers, 以及为其构建平台的公司的企业主或经理. 对于新进入市场的人, travel landing is an opportunity to make a statement, and for the leaders of the niche — to strengthen the position. 

所以如果你的行业与旅游相关, vacation planning, tourism, 那么这些商品对你来说再合适不过了. 他们有你作为旅行社所需要的一切——关于你的信息, one-click booking, 带有旅游选择的街区, etc.

How to Use Tours and Travels Single Page Website Templates

Of course, creating an Internet resource is better to trust a professional, 但是如果你没有这个能力,但是有设计网页的知识和经验. You can establish the site yourself, following these steps:

  1. 选择合适的模板. 它应该与你的业务概念融合,并拥有你所需要的一切.
  2. Customization. You can edit components, add vibrant photos, videos, change the text, 导航栏的位置, etc.
  3. 如果有必要,选择一个CMS,如WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart, Shopify等. They make it easier to manage and configure the page.
  4. Get a domain. 这是访问者访问该网站时使用的网站名称. Special companies provide such services — you find a suitable one, register, 决定一个免费的名字并购买它.
  5. Purchase hosting. 这是一种将信息存储在站点上并不间断地提供给用户的服务. 这里的操作是一样的——找到供应商,选择一个计划,然后付钱.

After completing these tasks, your platform is ready to receive customers!


What do I get by purchasing travel landing page templates?

下载/购买网站后,有大量的机会编辑和定制网站——创建大型菜单, web headers, 和页脚与您自己的风格, 灵活地设置无限的页面布局, 还有集成页面类型, wide designs, 无限的配色方案, many fonts, icons, responsive extension, 视网膜图形——所有的网络元素都可以自由设置,没有限制.


Yes, which means that when viewed from any screen type, 无论是智能手机, computer, or tablet, 页面调整并保持令人愉悦的设计.

Can I exploit travel landing page templates more than once?

According to the rules, 产品是一次性的, 在多个项目中, 你必须为每个主题分别购买一个主题.


如果您拥有高级版本,您可以获得终身技术支持. And for the free version, unfortunately, this feature is not available.


观看有关最热门趋势的有用视频 & 旅游登陆页创建技巧. Build a converting Travel landing page with our guide. 它非常适合旅行社、旅游博客、旅游商店的单页网站.